To increase your confidence, practice hypnosis skills under direct supervision.
High quality Advanced Clinical Skills Training in Hypnotherapy for both new and experienced hypnotherapists who need or desire supplementary clinical competence. Mental Health and Medical Practitioners are also welcome.
This is an intensive immersion course emphasizing advanced clinical skills in hypnotherapy. Instruction extends beyond merely hypnotizing clients thru to effectively conceiving, introducing and reinforcing therapeutic suggestions. Practical experiences include giving and receiving hypnotherapy under Dr. Kweethai’s watchful eye.
Supervision is the key to honing professional competence as you learn, apply, practice, reflect and develop professional confidence.
Hypnotherapy is limited only by the individual creativity of the hypnotherapist. Fortunately, creativity is a skill that can be practiced.
This interactive training runs May 3 through 5, 2019, in Fort Worth, Texas. Instruction by Dr. Kweethai Neill, PhD, and Dr. Steve Stork, EdD
This is a 4-day workshop, 9 am - 9 pm most days.
(May 5, 8 am - noon)
Location: The Studio of Harmony has been relocated a couple miles to Keller, Texas
Payment can be made in other currencies if you are coming from abroad. PayPal converts currency during the checkout process.
If this is your first time attending a course with Dr. Kweethai in Texas, please click below to complete a personal data form. It helps Dr. Kweethai plan the course to meet the needs of all students.
This course is conducted using Dr. Kweethai's customary intensive, total immersion approach. You already know the mechanics of hypnosis; how to apply suggestibility tests and what induction techniques work best for you. You easily craft suggestions to meet a client's obvious needs and you effectively reinforce positive outcomes as you terminate trance.
In iChange Therapy, the ability to hypnotize a client is the easy part. Learning to apply therapeutic applications in response to what emerges from the client's subconscious is somewhat more complex, and anything but straightforward. The most common question students ask after watching one of Dr. Kweethai's clinical demonstrations is a variation of "How did you get from A to D? What in A led you to try B and C?"
As this is an advanced course, you likely have a sense of Dr. Kweethai's framework, and have given up any hope of receiving detailed instructions. But you find that adapting to every clients' needs individually remains a struggle. The goal of this course is to help you continue to develop confidence in your intuitive abilities; to pay closer attention to your own creative subconscious.
Of course, the roadblock to trusting your intuition is...altogether now...FEAR. Therefore, much of the supervisory process involves facilitating your own reflection on how your fears influence the choices you make while trying to help a client overcome her fears. So, the supervision you receive is not directed just at how you apply your hypnosis and therapeutic skills, but toward enhancing your ability to improve practice via effective reflection on that practice.
As usual you will experience both giving and receiving hypnotherapy under Dr. Kweethai’s watchful eye. Your confidence grows as you learn, apply, practice and reflect.
Imagine how you will benefit
At the end of this course,
Therapy and Healing: Clinical Skills Cultivation and Practicum |
Clinical Applications |
Course content is not delivered sequentially as presented in this table. Rather, the sequence of instruction accommodates class needs at any given time.
What better way to build confidence than to practice under the expert supervision of Dr. Kweethai and Dr. Stork!
But keep in mind, iChange Therapy is not a step-by-step process. Throughout this training students are guided to work intuitively; to trust your own creative intellect and work with whatever emerges from the client’s subconscious mind.
Dr. Kweethai teaches at a master level, meaning her students are certified hypnotherapists or licensed in a relevant field. For 4 long days, you hit the ground running and the pace never lets up. Her students admit to being but terrified and excited. Whether you have trained with Dr. Kweethai, or if you ever study with her again, she teaches as she has herself learned; which requires a commitment to perpetual study and training.
To get the most out of one of Dr. Kweethai's Intensive Trainings you should already be familiar with her work. That means having attended a previous Master Class on Energy Medicine with Dr. Kweethai, either live or on video.
Energy Medicine Meets Hypnotherapy in Puerto Rico is a video series available from iChange Press. It contains an introduction to Energy Medicine, including demonstrations, from its application in hypnotherapy to energy work.
If you have never attended a live training with Dr. Kweethai, view the video series before coming to this training.
Complete an assignment designated by Dr. Kweethai and you may also qualify for an additional 10 hours of CEs.
Transmuting negative energy to positive is often as simple as changing a single word.
To learn more about Dr. Kweethai's approach to hypnotherapy, order her book.
It is written for a lay audience and has been quite effective at alleviating concerns among potential clients with no prior knowledge of hypnotherapy.
But it also shows how Dr. Kweethai integrates hypnotherapy with her health promotion training and cultural Chinese background.
The most valuable part of this small group interactive intensive is that all clinical practices are supervised by Master Instructors Dr. Kweethai Neill, PhD, and Dr. Steve Stork, EdD.
This is an opportunity for experienced hypnotherapists to migrate into more advanced clinical skills.
Newly certified practitioners will be inducted into methodologies their basic training only had time to hint at.
And, for licensed mental health and medical professionals, opening the door to the subconscious offers new treatment options.
Earn a certificate of completion from iHealth Hypnotherapy School International.
This training is also part of the coursework required for iChange Therapy Certification, iHealth Hypnotherapy School (iHHS)
Dr. Kweethai’s goal is to elicit health and happiness from within the client, implementing changes toward a better state of well-being and success. When spirit is addressed first in the mind-body-spirit paradigm, the rest follows.
Working with the whole client, not just symptoms, Dr. Kweethai advocates that successful hypnotherapy must ‘deal with what emerges’. Clients experience hypnosis, open-eye trance, energy dowsing and communication skills training for immediate change; and a combination of health education, Feng Shui and Qigong to support their new life path.
Dr. Kweethai left a university post as Chair of Health Studies on a search that led to founding iHealth Center for Integrated Wellness, Inc. She uses hypnotherapy to help clients implement change toward a better state of well-being and success. Her iChange Therapy™ integrates strategies from both east and west to elicit health and happiness from within the client.
Dr. Kweethai is a master hypnotherapy instructor. In addition to having taught hundreds of hours of basic and advanced training, she speaks annually at national and international hypnotherapy conferences. She is a regular contributor to the IMDHA journal Unlimited Human.
Dr. Stork has worked with learners at all levels, from early childhood thru college and adults. He is a keen observer of human behavior, drawing on an extensive background of teacher and learner behaviors to enhance classroom interactions. He has chosen not to practice hypnotherapy, but instead, is curator of Dr. Kweethai's work as it has evolved.
As a pedagogist, Dr. Stork's primary academic training is in the methods and strategies of teaching and assessment. It is what he taught as a University professor. He also supervised field experiences and student teaching.
Dr. Stork also presents frequently at national conferences. He is currently sharing aspects of iChange Therapy using videotaped clips of Dr. Kweethai in action, with an analysis of how her process works.
By registering for any iHealth Center (iHC) or iHealth Hypnotherapy School (iHHS) training, you consent to various forms of photo, video and audio recording in which you may be identifiable visually and/or audibly. Dr. Kweethai Neill, iHC and iHHS reserve the right to use such recorded media on websites, in newsletters, and in educational products.
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Feng Shui
May 6 thru 11, 2019
Fort Worth, Texas
Applying Feng Shui principles within the context of iChange Therapy.