Business Advisory

Book: How to Build a $ix-Figure  Hypnotherapy Practice

A week prior to earning her official certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dr Kweethai purchased the office space within which she would open her practice. When a friend inquired about her business plan, Dr Kweethai replied, "My business plan is simple. It's one sentence. I plan to be successful."


Dr Kweethai has an advantage over most hypnotherapists in that she has an extensive background in business. She is also diligent, mindful and inquisitive. She understands business and is not intimidated by money, "If your business is not profitable (which includes paying yourself a livable salary), it is not a business; it is a hobby."


Whatever your business, Dr Kweethai can help identify the limiting beliefs that are preventing you from achieving your goals, and eliminate them. For example, every phone conversation with a potential client is the beginning of your Pre-Talk (video). Your goal is not just to convert them to a client, but to help them see value in themselves; and that is what convinces them to pay your fee.


Dr Kweethai has a reputation for cutting directly to the heart of an issue. While initially uncomfortable, her directness allows the issue to be addressed, quickly eliminating it as a limiter.


Business Coaching, Individualized Package

Services range from creating a business plan and setting up a website to learning and practicing the skills of a successful entrepreneur. After an initial plan is strategized many clients work thru emerging issues via monthly phone consults with Dr Kweethai.

Business Advisory with Dr Kweethai

Certification training usually includes a generic approach to operating a private practice. The business reality is that most people resist the need for 'therapy'. It takes significant effort and preparation to establish trust, not just in therapy, but in the provider as well. Therefore, marketing is not just an issue of visibility, it must also create a sense of credibility.

Dr Kweethai's Business Advisory process includes the following.

  • Identify your value proposition; skills & client profile
  • Branding; Revise business name, professional title, tagline
  • Create a business logo; including a color scheme for website and promotional materials
  • Organize a professional photo shoot; followed by selection of photos to use on website and promotional materials
  • Design a business card
  • Draft text for promotional materials consistent with the preceding. (This text will be expanded for your website.)
  • Design a business brochure

Get a jumpstart on the process by viewing Dr Kweethai's presentation at Hypnothoughts Live 2016.